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Child Care Licensing

Program Information
Classes for Child Care Providers are provided by the Johnson County Department of Health & Environment and require a user login and password to register. If you have questions about registering for Child Care Classes, send an e-mail to Stacey Stroh or Laura Kinney.

The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment's Child Care Licensing division works with all child care facilities in Johnson County. If you plan to open your own In-Home Child Care, or if you are already operating or working for a child care facility and would like additional resources or information, visit the 'Important Information' section of this page.

Registration for classes in the Child Care Licensing program requires a user account.

child care reading with children

Upcoming Classes

Home Regulations Review ZOOM

Class Type: 
Child Care Class

Starts:  , /

This class is sponsored by the Child Care Licensing program and a user account is required before registering for the class. Create Account

Center Director Training *ZOOM*

Class Type: 
Child Care Class

Starts:  , /

This class is sponsored by the Child Care Licensing program and a user account is required before registering for the class. Create Account

CPR and First Aid Pediatric

Class Type: 
Child Care Class

Starts:  , /

This class is sponsored by the Child Care Licensing program and a user account is required before registering for the class. Create Account
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More Classes

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Child Care Center and Preschool Orientation ZOOM

This Orientation is required by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment prior to submitting application for a license.

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Family Child Care Home orientation meeting ZOOM

Required class before applying for a licensed or group day care home in Kansas. The application process, professional development requirements and other pertinent information will be discussed. Referral Agencies will be on hand between 8:30 am to 9:…

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Food Safety in a Childcare Setting

Providing safe food in child care is a key role for both center and home-based child care providers. This course will describe guidelines for proper food safety practices and how you can help prevent food-borne illness. Practices to keep children…

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Center Regulations *ZOOM*

A review of the regulations for child care centers. Approved by KDHE for 2 clock hours of training for center staff. The training meets 2 hours of the health and safety requirement. This class will be held via ZOOM. Please note, you will receive a…

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CPR and First Aid Pediatric

A knowledge and hands-on skill objective course designed to keep you prepared in the event of an emergency. This course meets the KDHE training requirements for child care providers or any one responsible for the safety of children. Training…

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CPR and First Aid Pediatric

A knowledge and hands-on skill objective course designed to keep you prepared in the event of an emergency. This course meets the KDHE training requirements for child care providers or any one responsible for the safety of children. Training…

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Child Care Center and Preschool Orientation ZOOM

This Orientation is required by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment prior to submitting application for a license.

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CPR and First Aid Pediatric

A knowledge and hands-on skill objective course designed to keep you prepared in the event of an emergency. This course meets the KDHE training requirements for child care providers or any one responsible for the safety of children. Training…

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EPA Class - Children's Environmental Health in Early Learning Programs

This class will provide information on: the proper use and handling/disposal of chemicals; environmental hazards such as lead, pesticides, carbon monoxide, radon, mold, asthma triggers, and much more. Approved by KDHE for 2 clock hours of training.

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Family Child Care Home orientation meeting ZOOM

Required class before applying for a licensed or group day care home in Kansas. The application process, professional development requirements and other pertinent information will be discussed. Referral Agencies will be on hand between 8:30 am to 9:…

Class Registration

In order to register for a Child Care Licensing class you must create a user account.

Already have an account?

Don't have an account?

Program Information

Virtual training events are professional development opportunities that require your attendance, full attention, and participation. You should not participate in activities that would not be permitted during an in-person class (i.e. cooking, driving, sleeping, salon visits, etc.). If the virtual class expectations are not met, you will not receive KDHE clock hours, a certificate of completion or a credit/refund.

Masks ARE RECOMMENDED for ALL Child Care Licensing in-person classes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Please note, most classes are being offered as HYBRID trainings. Meaning, you will find two registration options for one training - you have the option to register for the in-person class or the ZOOM class. Both options will be held on the same date and time.

Payment is required at the time of registration, if payment is not made at that time, you will be cancelled from the class. Cancellation allows you to be able to go back in later and reregister and pay for the class. Once payment is made your spot is confirmed.

No refunds on any class. If you need to cancel you will be transferred to a upcoming class or a credit to your account for the class will be given. Credits and transfers must be requested at least 24 hours before the class begins. Contact Stacey Stroh or call 913-477-8078 if you need assistance.

Selecting Licensed Child Care